Perak Gold Dinar Survey Contest

This Survey serves the purpose to understand Malaysian customers' purchase intention towards Perak Gold Dinar (PGD). The questionnaire will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Design of the questionnaire ensures strictest confidence. The result of this research may be published, but would only be reported in aggregate and you can be assured of the complete confidentiality of the data gathered in this research. There are no right or wrong answers. Please respond to every question and give us your most honest answer.

As an inducement and encouragement for the participants of this PGD survey to answer, we are proposing a reward as followings:

  • For every 50th respondent, GoldNet will provide the respondent with 2 Perak Silver Dirham in a beautiful limited edition box, or its equivalent value in RM.
  • For every 101st, 201st, 301st respondents, GoldNet will provide the respondent with ½ Perak Gold Dinar each in a beautiful limited edition box, or its equivalent value in RM.
  • For every 401st, 501st respondent, GoldNet will provide the respondents with 1Perak Gold Dinar each in a beautiful limited edition box, or its equivalent value in RM.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation. This is the link to the survey: PGD SURVEY FORM
GoldNet International Team